Gateside Mosaic Project
From Tues 23 January (2.30-4.30pm), we are also running a creative project with funding arranged through Heids and Herts ( gives further detail). This project will run for 4 weeks from 23 January to create a mosaic within the Memorial Hall to display themes that connect our community to the Hall. If you wish to be involved, please come along on Tues 9 January (3pm) to meet Nicola who will be overseeing the project and find out more. If you can't make Tues 9 Jan, then just come along on Tues 23 Jan!
If you work on Tuesdays, we are also hopefully running a session for the project on Sat 24 Feb (TBC) - more info to follow.
For the project, we desperately need any donations of materials to put in the mosaics - especially coloured ceramic and glass - please bring along to the Hall on any Tues afternoon or get in touch to arrange drop off.