Calling Gateside’s Youth

Youth Action Fife would like to start hosting youth networking events across Fife. They are looking to bring young people across Fife together to share ideas, network, learn, and discuss the things that matter to them. 

Youth Action Fife's main aim is to enhance the lives of young people in rural communities; however, this network is an inclusive space and therefore will to be open to and welcome all young people in Fife and groups supporting young people. (Youth Action Fife is lucky to be funded to work with young people up to age 30 - please note anyone under 16 needs to be accompanied by a responsible adult) . 

With this in mind Youth Action Fife would like to ask your help in designing and developing the networking events and have created this questionnaire to help them identify:

1) If this is something you think would be beneficial.
2) Would you like to be involved and/or attend.
2) What you want to get from it. 
3) When, where and how often these events should be offered.

Youth Action Fife are looking for your help to shape the next steps of their project and what they would like to bring to Fife for young people! They would be so grateful if you could fill out the short questionnaire in the link below and get any children and young people you know to help them too!

Click here to be taken to the questionnaire.


Loss of No 66 Bus Service


Save the date - River Eden family day